Fun at discovery

These boys worked together to make this amazing sand castle.

Explain Everything App

We made this using Explain Everything. This is an App on the iPad. We made it to show you what we have been learning as part of our science topic this term about materials.

By Cayden, Holly and Sofia.

Here are some posters some of the students created to show their learning.

Science in Room 2

Look at what we made! We have been learning about insulation and different materials.

We made this Igloo yesterday. It is made out of sugar cubes. We stuck them together with icing.
Mackenzie, Caitlyn, and Jessica.

Ella's Writing

Ella wanted to share her writing about some Paper Dolls we made a few weeks ago after we read the book 'The Paper Dolls' by Julia Donaldson.


Look what Ella and Samuel did during maths. They practiced working out how many 1's, 10's and 100's are in numbers to 1000.