Jamie had a wonderful time with his parachute. 


We made parachutes as part of our writing and science unit. 
We learned that weight changes how our parachutes fly.
The wind forced some of our parachutes high into the sky and then dropped them back down. 

Let's go fly a kite.......

Today for writing Rooms 1 and 2 made kites. We flew them outside in the wind. 


Melissa made this at home.

I painted a box on a hot air balloon pink, purple, yellow and orange. 
First I traced a Minecraft block Matthew had. 
Next I got my paints and painted the lines. I got the idea from Matthew.  By Melissa.

More Air Force Museum Photos

Trying on the jackets.

Making spinners

Learning about air.

A Busy Weekend

Room 2

We are learning to spell.
We do this by practicing using scrabble letters. 

Look closely because many of the words have been spelled backwards so it is hard to read. 

We had a visit from a chef for Kids Can Cook.

He made us some apple and silverbeet crepes. 

Some people thought they were nice, but others thought they were not.