Room 2 are in the newsletter.

Make sure you read this week's Oaklands School newsletter.  Each week a different class is featured in the newsletter and this week it is the turn of Room 2.  The newsletter article describes several areas of the class curriculum and features a number of photos of the children learning.

The newsletter can be accessed through the school website: just click down on 'menu' and look under 'publications.'

Playground CARE values lesson

As part of the Oaklands CARE value programme Room 2 had a lesson about playground values.  The first part of the lesson was in the classroom and involved identifying and discussing desirable CARE values in the playground.

The second part of the lesson involved the children going out into the playground to demonstrate and practice what these values might look like.

Keeping the playground tidy and looking after equipment by putting it away where it belongs.

Including others in our games, sharing equipment, and agreeing on the rules before we start a game.

Helping someone who has fallen over and 'injured' themselves.


Mathletics has now been up and running for a week or so.  Well done to Leah, Kaela, Brooke, Holly, Ellie, Emma, Yo Yo and Jaydeep who were awarded certificates this week.

New activities will be added to the website each week.  Make sure your child keeps their password and username in a safe place... if you happen to forget contact me as I have a 'master copy' of all the usernames and passwords.  Please also make sure that your child is able to independently log in using their username and password as this will make using mathletics in class easier.